
sunset, beach, sunglasses-1283872.jpg

Those of us who need a little help with their vision understand that it can be tricky when the sun comes out – in fact, it adds another layer of challenges. While getting prescription lenses for sunglasses is commonplace these days, the desire to remain fashionable can certainly add to the cost. So the question is, are designer frames worth it when you’re buying prescription sunglasses?

Are Designer Frames Worth it for Sunglasses?

We all want to look good and feel confident in our eyewear and, in fact, over the past couple of decades, sunglasses have become a valid fashion statement in and of themselves. With all the major high-end brands weighing in with their own versions, the importance of their significance in terms of their business model can’t be understated.

With that in mind, it’s not hard to imagine that these companies are investing vast sums of money into not only their eyewear sales and marketing programmes, but also in their technology and manufacture. Cutting edge research and development means that in most (although not all) cases, the question of, ‘are designer frames worth it’ for sunglasses, can be answered with a yes.

Here’s why.

They’re More Durable and Long Lasting

Because of the money spent in extensive testing under a range of different conditions, high-end frames can be a much better investment. Manufactured with lighter, stronger and more flexible hi-tech materials, they are far less likely to snap or bend under extreme pressure. But even beyond that, the more expensive brands offer a warranty, which means they’ll be replaced if there are any manufacturing defects. That’s the kind of peace of mind you won’t get with cheaper versions.